Things to Do Project allows travelers to share experiences and notes of places they have visited with other travelers and friends, besides finding new places to explore. As travelers, some of our best experiences or discoveries have come from talking to other travelers or locals, and our Things to Do Project would like to make the interaction of ideas among travelers easy and simple to share.
Things to Do Project |
The best and the most interesting travel experiences are ranked by our editorial team so that viewers can find the most relevant information about things to do in a particular place. Additionally, our editorial team also curates the information and provides a brief introduction of the place and relevant information on food, drinks, history and culture. Adding Your ExperiencesAnyone can add an experience which must include a photo, a caption and a brief description. Note: Please only provide the most relevant information and photo about your travel experience, that you consider will be useful to others. Joining Our Editorial TeamThe best contributors will be invited to join our editorial team, and manage the project. We will also feature their profiles, and share with them group travel plans and special deals, as we explore some fun things to do around the world. |